
University of Oregon

John Seeley

John Seeley, PhD, is PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Seeley is a professor in the Special Education and Clinical Sciences department and a core faculty member in the Prevention Science program… Read more.

James Sinclair

James Sinclair, PhD, is Co-PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Sinclair is a research associate focusing on the promotion of positive post-school outcomes for individuals who have been traditionally minoritized, stigmatized, and excluded in accessing education… Read more.

SRI International

Christopher Sanford

Christopher Sanford, PhD, is a PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Sanford’s has 24 years of experience in special education, including classroom instruction, research, and assessment development… Read more.

Renee Cameto

Renee Cameto, PhD, is a Co-PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Cameto’s work focuses on the development of appropriate alternate assessments for students with disabilities.

Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University

Jill Hollway

Jill Hollway, PhD, is a PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Holloway’s research interests include intervention studies (pharmacological and psychosocial) targeting sleep disturbance and disruptive behavior in children with developmental disabilities…. Read more.

L.E. Arnold

L.E. Arnold, PhD, is a Co-PI of the DIAAID project. Dr. Arnold is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry focusing on the treatment of people with developmental disabilities… Read more.

Key Personnel

Cori O’Boyle, Clinicial Research Assistant, Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University
Gabrielle Basinski, Research Assistant, The Ohio State University
Rachel Acereto, Research Assistant, SRI International
Lori Hodge, Research Analyst, SRI International